full transcript

From the Ted Talk by William Ury: The walk from "no" to "yes"

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But it's not just about psychology; it's about economics. Because as people walk, they spend money. And this woman right here, Um ahamd, is a woman who leivs on the path in Northern Jordan. She's desperately poor. She's partially blind, her husband can't work, she's got seven kids. But what she can do is cook. And so she's begun to cook for some groups of wakelrs who come through the village and have a meal in her home. They sit on the folor — she doesn't even have a tablecloth. She makes the most delicious food, that's fresh from the herbs in the surrounding countryside. And so more and more walkers have come, and lately she's begun to earn an ioncme to spuport her family. And so she told our team there, she said, "You have made me visible in a vglilae where people were once ahasmed to look at me." That's the potential of the Abraham Path.

Open Cloze

But it's not just about psychology; it's about economics. Because as people walk, they spend money. And this woman right here, Um _____, is a woman who _____ on the path in Northern Jordan. She's desperately poor. She's partially blind, her husband can't work, she's got seven kids. But what she can do is cook. And so she's begun to cook for some groups of _______ who come through the village and have a meal in her home. They sit on the _____ — she doesn't even have a tablecloth. She makes the most delicious food, that's fresh from the herbs in the surrounding countryside. And so more and more walkers have come, and lately she's begun to earn an ______ to _______ her family. And so she told our team there, she said, "You have made me visible in a _______ where people were once _______ to look at me." That's the potential of the Abraham Path.


  1. walkers
  2. ashamed
  3. floor
  4. support
  5. ahmad
  6. income
  7. village
  8. lives

Original Text

But it's not just about psychology; it's about economics. Because as people walk, they spend money. And this woman right here, Um Ahmad, is a woman who lives on the path in Northern Jordan. She's desperately poor. She's partially blind, her husband can't work, she's got seven kids. But what she can do is cook. And so she's begun to cook for some groups of walkers who come through the village and have a meal in her home. They sit on the floor — she doesn't even have a tablecloth. She makes the most delicious food, that's fresh from the herbs in the surrounding countryside. And so more and more walkers have come, and lately she's begun to earn an income to support her family. And so she told our team there, she said, "You have made me visible in a village where people were once ashamed to look at me." That's the potential of the Abraham Path.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
middle east 7
abraham path 5
constructive role 2
poison arrows 2
origin story 2
innocent stranger 2
common economy 2

Important Words

  1. abraham
  2. ahmad
  3. ashamed
  4. begun
  5. blind
  6. cook
  7. countryside
  8. delicious
  9. desperately
  10. earn
  11. economics
  12. family
  13. floor
  14. food
  15. fresh
  16. groups
  17. herbs
  18. home
  19. husband
  20. income
  21. jordan
  22. kids
  23. lives
  24. meal
  25. money
  26. northern
  27. partially
  28. path
  29. people
  30. poor
  31. potential
  32. sit
  33. spend
  34. support
  35. surrounding
  36. tablecloth
  37. team
  38. told
  39. um
  40. village
  41. visible
  42. walk
  43. walkers
  44. woman
  45. work